We went to Radium as a family this long weekend. Luc, Rebecca, Emilee, Mom, Dad, Grandma and I. It was a long drive but completely worth it! I absolutely love the mountains, I am always in awe of the beauty and creativity I see in God whenever I am there. The beauty of the wild flowers, the ruggedness of the rocky mountains, and the resilience of nature.

My highlight of the whole trip was playing golf (surprised??) saturday afternoon. I have only played one game of golf and that was in high school for Phys Ed class in the pouring rain, I viewed it as more of a walk with some weird hockey-ness to it.

On the 6th hole while mom and I had a bit of a bathroom break; Luc, Rebecca and Emilee tee'd off… Luc hit the side of the washroom (with mom inside). At the same hole, Dad and I were standing at the tee box and we hear 3 distinct FORE!!!!!!'s. So I whipped around, eyes up and hands by my head expecting to see a little while bullet shooting at me. I didn't… see anything. The golfer came over later and Dad helped him look for his ball, it landed 5 feet behind where I was standing on a little piece of cement at the backside of the tee box. CRAZY!!!
1 more close call was on the last hole, I think we were getting impatient so Mom and I stayed close behind Luc, Rebecca and Emilee; Dad needed to stay a bit further behind because he can send that ball so far. at one point mom was telling dad to shoot, dad hesitated, and then decided that it was an okay thing to do. Emilee and Rebecca… and the golf cart (maybe another reason why i liked this game) were by the sand pit. Dad hit the ball and it headed straight toward my sister and sister-in-law. Mom, Dad and I all shout FORE!!!!, and Emilee sees the ball just in time to take a step back and allow the ball to land inside the sandpit just feet from where she was standing. Rebecca wanted to show dad that she thought it was a bad move, so rebecca stepped on dad's ball and buried it in the sandpit. We all survived the 9 holes and we all had a good time despite the close calls.
The beauty of the mountains this weekend was just incredible. We couldn't have asked for nicer weather or a more comfortable stay. We ate good food, laughed, prayed, golfed, swam and soaked in the hot springs. We had Grandma's brother and sister-in-law over for tea and pie one night and we walked alot!
I think it was a great August long weekend. ( not so long because i need to work holiday monday…)
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