Here are some sneak peaks into my life at Alberta Arborists. I was the girl in charge of the combo crew and Drew was my partner in crime... Tree Crime.
We did small pruning jobs, removals and stumps, the odd planting jobs and many customer complaint cases. Meet my dear friend Eddy, He would greet with his same expression every morning and was never absent or late. He loved being at work and I loved seeing him in his element every day.
Eddy and I became good friends.
I love Oak trees, Drew and I got to climb and prune this one. We had a good time and the client was very friendly.
If you have a stump in your yard... maybe I made it into a stump... this is what you can do with it...
Drew and I saved a baby bird from trees we were cutting down. The last time we saved it, it was hiding among our branches and stump grinder on the trailer. The bird almost got a free trip to the city dump. hopefully the baby bird's luck got a little better after we left.
Drew went away for a week to BC. so, I got to work with Andrew! We worked some rainy days and had some good laughs, awesome conversations and made a movie.
The rain clouds the week that it rained every day.
I have enjoyed working for Alberta Arborists. The guys were great, The work was good, The trucks were fun to drive and I was always challenged (in a good way). But I am ready to move on, ready to challenge my brain rather than my muscles. I am looking forward to the change of pace, hours, and testosterone levels. It will be good to work with women for a change... hopefully there isn't too much drama! :)
God is moving me on and I am thankful, sad to go but excited to arrive. I can't wait to see what happens while I am an employee of Millcreek Nurseries.
I need to find a good arborist in Edmonton. Minus the baby birds.