Sunday, September 25, 2011

No Worries

I had an awesome opportunity to go and drive a combine at a farm by Wainwright. It was a sweet chance to taste the life of a farmer. Paul and Laura Ford opened their house and fields to me. I wasn't at their house long but I know that I am made for country life and it was refreshing to my spirit to be out of the city. I drove a quad, combine, the grain truck, had a nap under the old pine trees… and I just had to climb one of them… It was a wonderful day! 

this is the canola that I harvested from the field! 

Live with no worries… God is the master of all! watch this video and think about the struggles and challenges that you have and how God is being glorified through them! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Makai Roan Poff.

I would like to introduce you to my new cousin/nephew.  Meet Makai Roan Poffenroth. 

My dear cousin Anni gave birth september 14th to a beautiful strong and hairy young man. Anni and I have been best buds since we were 4, Makai is more than a cousin… He is more like a nephew. 

God is so sweet. Anni was due last Tuesday so I, and many others have been anxiously anticipating the arrival of this young man. The Lord arranged it amazingly. My day off was Wednesday, if Makai hadn't have come, labor would have been induced wednesday at 11 am. which means no baby until wednesday evening. But the Lord decided that it was important for me to be there, so Makai came at 4:00 wednesday morning. I was able to spend almost the whole day snuggling with him and chatting with Anni. What an incredible blessing. 

Makai is Hawaiian for Matthew, Gift from God. He is that! He is a blessing and a reminder of God's faithfulness, love and grace. God is so good to us. I can't wait to hug and kiss this little guy again. He is beautiful, and I am excited to watch him grow up and laugh with him, spoil him, challenge him and hopefully one day climb trees with him. :) 

It is amazing how this baby fits into my Hawaii life. Anni skyped me my first week in Hawaii to tell me that she was pregnant, we had many conversations about hawaii since I have returned and now that I'm thinking of going back to hawaii, for him to have a hawaiian name seems to fit so perfectly. (i know it is not all about me though… Anni has her own reasons why she chose the name). 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Craving Grace

I have read this book in 2 weeks. (that's quick for me, I am not a fast reader)

It was easy reading. Interesting and has drawn me to crave the sweetness of God's grace more and more.

I can relate to Lisa's story and it is funny how she has put into words much of what I've learned the last 2 years.

The quote from her book that sums up the lesson I've learned. page 197.

"I finally accepted that no act of goodness- refusing the last half of a torte, for instance (she was on a sugar fast)- could make my sinfulness less offensive, less entire. I was accepting the gospel message that says God can love me fully, even when I'm in the throes of violating my word to him. I was admitting to myself that my level of deservingness would never climb above an even zero.

"If the mercy is true," wrote Martin Luther, "you must therefore bear the true, not an imaginary sin. God does not save those who are only imaginary sinners. Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong." For a time I took my extra good works completely off the table, and I let my faith stand only on the merit of God's love and sacrifice. This allowed me to define myself not as someone impressively faithful but as someone rescued. It was humbling, and it was heaven. 

This is the scandal of Grace: the jolt that comes afterward is not from the heaviness of remorse but from a new, tender lightness. I was learning how to be less and infinitely lower than I had always expected and thought I was. I was beginning to see what it means to be drawn to God - not committed out of mere duty, not faithful simply because it might cajole him into favour, but attracted to him and won over by the reckless extent of his love. " page 197,198. 

She has put into words the way I have felt since my Mission Building experience in Hawaii. God got ahold of me anew there. He renewed a new life in me. Restored me from the destructive lifestyle of "being a good little christian girl" with lots of aches and sins and secrets. I am free to be not good all the time. I am free to have bad days. I am free to be me… sinful. And he still loves me. Oh how He loves me.

I have tasted his sweetness. I will give you an example. Today was my day off, last night I was feeling very lonely and I was worried about spending my day off all alone. I contacted a few people this morning but they were busy so as I planned my day ( full so I wouldn't have time to think about my loneliness) I receive a text from a friend, Courtney. She asks if I still wanted to do something on my day off. She is willing to come out to Millet with me to look at some tree work. We spend the day driving in the convertible Jeep, swinging, singing, chatting, had ice cream. She trimmed my hair, and blessed my spirit.
That is an example of God's sweetness. His grace for me. I don't deserve to have friends like that who come over at the precise moments. But it's his gift to me for today. I am so thankful and blessed to know and taste his sweetness.