I was so blessed because I didn't have to pay for the plane ticket at all, Emilee's employer's housed and feed me for the weekend... Emilee let me sleep on her floor! I was picked up from the airport by Emilee's employer, Kirsta and we went to the house, I was hoping to make it inside the doors before she saw me. But at least I had a chance to give Nicholas (the 9Year old Emilee nannies) my camera to video tape her reaction before she spotted me. :)

I was able to be a blessing to Emilee - to show her that she is loved and that we love her enough to lie to her. Mom and I both said many times "oh, no... no one is coming for your birthday. You should accept that now so you aren't disappointed...". Emilee and I were able to bless her friend Barb as she has been trying to move into an apartment for 2 weeks and there is hurdle after hurdle. Emilee and I cleaned some of the apartment and hopefully encouraged her that she will be moved in soon. It was an incredible weekend for knowing Emilee as a young adult and as a friend.
God has been teaching me some things lately, and I would like to share them. I have been reminded to involve him in my decisions, to listen and obey. Not to second guess. So, when I was choosing my seats on the plane. I asked the Lord where I should sit. He orchestrated it, 3 planes, 3 wonderful seat mates and some good conversations. On my way home, the guy sitting next to me saw me reading my Bible and asked me what I was studying, we had a good talk about Catholicism, Christianity, and how hypocrites have driven him from attending church. He was very open and honest, I appreciated that about our conversation.

Romans chapter 7 and 8 are about the same things, but the perspective changes. It goes from talking about being saved by grace and the slave's master changing from sin to righteousness. Chapter 7 speaks about the law and how the law has changed because of Jesus' blood. Chapter 8 talks about the hope we have because that law changing and the great LOVE that God has for us and how nothing in all creation can change that.
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