Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June... Already?

Hello All,

Oh my goodness, I had all the right intentions to blog my trip to Hawaii, But life there is so busy all the time. I Just didn't take the time to sit down and type out my experiences.  SORRY! :)

Well, on to better things, Im home! Im in Canada and Im loving it. I am working at Millcreek Nursery again for the 2nd season and I Love it! It has been a blessing and an answer to prayers. Also a bit challenging but that is what makes it interesting!

I have so many things floating around in my head it may take a few blogs to share it all but as for the most resent thing.
Psalm 148

Praise the Lord from the heavens
Praise him in the heights above. 
Praise him all his angels
praise him all his heavenly hosts
praise him sun and moon
praise him all you shining stars
Praise him you highest heavens
and you waters and skies
let them praise the name of the Lord,
For he commanded and they were created
He set them in place for ever and ever;
he gave a decree that will never pass away

Praise the Lord from the earth, 
you great sea creatures and all 
ocean depths, 
Lightning and hail, sno and clouds, 
stormy winds that do his bidding,
you mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars,
wild animals and all cattle 
small creatures and flying birds, 
kinds of the earth and all nations, 
you princes and all rulers on earth, 
young men and maidens, 
old men and children.

Let them praise the name of the Lord 
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is above the earth
and the heavens. 
He has raised up for his people a horn, 
the praise of all his saints,
of Israel the people chose to his heart
Praise the Lord. 

Wow. Thank you Sabrina! 

I'm reading the bible chronologically and am amazed at the story of the Israelites. They were chosen by God. He loves them so much he rescued them multiple times from their enemies, He appeared to them in a pillar of cloud and a pillar of Fire. He gave them rules, guidelines, Moses, Aaron, Jacob, Isaac and Abraham to look up to and to learn from. 

And yet they still wandered from God's heart. They still disobeyed and disregarded God's word. I think back and say "if i was there...  I wouldn't respond like that. GOD was so real to them!!" But they didn't have the Holy Spirit. They didn't have the personal relationship with God that i have today. Their faith was based on Moses' relationship with God and the guidelines that God laid out to them. 

God has given us guidelines liket he Israelites but we have the Holy Spirit in us. The power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me! The curtain is torn and My Spirit can commune with the Holy God. Right from the beginning God's plan was to bring Jesus to tear the curtain that separated God's holiness and our sinfulness. Jesus' death made it possible for us to relate with God. The God that makes music through his universe. The God that is so great that the universe can't stop singing his praises. ooooo it makes me so excited! 

There's just a peak at what's inside my life.